Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas is Coming!

I can't believe that it is almost Christmas! This always seems to be such a hectic time of year. We have musicals, presents to buy and wrap, parties to go to, and so much more. It is so easy to lose focus during this busy, busy season! We definitely want our kids to remember the TRUE reason for this season. We have tried so hard to find activities that will remind them and teach them about Jesus and God's plan for our life.

We found a really neat church in Bellville. They do something called "Experience Bethlehem" every year. It is the COOLEST thing! The kids absolutely love it. You go through these rooms where they have stations or "mini-dramas" set up to tell the Christmas story. After you go through all the rooms, you go into "Bethlehem." They give you coins to spend at the shops. It is all set up like Bethlehem would have been. At the fish market, you can buy a cup full of goldfish crackers. The winery sold grape juice. The had a flower shop, a bakery, and even a JAIL! In the back of the room was a live nativity with animals the kids could pet. It was really really neat! We have decided to make it a yearly event for our family.

Another thing that we are doing this year is STOPPING THE MADNESS!! It seems as though our families are growing larger by the minute so we are not exchanging gifts this year with Dan's siblings and their families. We are having a birthday party for Jesus and buying gifts for babies that will be donated to Richland Pregnancy Services. This is a really good organization that offers support for women and teens that find out they are pregnant. They also try to provide them with information about abortion and steer them towards alternatives. The ladies can earn baby bucks by attending classes and things and they can use their bucks to "purchase" items. I am also going to start volunteering there!

We truly hope that we can teach our children the reason that we celebrate so that they will be able to celebrate right along with us!

The musical went WONDERFULLY! I forgot my lines once during the first service, but we recovered well. The second service was better for me, but a couple of kids forgot their lines that time! Oh Well! The most important thing is that we did our best! I think I will forever be remembered by the kids at church as "Nannie O," though! (I guess there are worse things they could remember me for!!)

I pray that all of my friends have a safe and joyous CHRISTmas season!

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